critique &
création culturelle

Nouvelle Senne, un festival de rencontres et de partages

Interview de Victor Pestanes et Luana Staes

Encyclopedia of unusual and weird animals (4)
Anna Taut
Encyclopedia of unusual and weird animals (4)
Anna Taut
Encyclopedia of unusual and weird animals (4)
Anna Taut
Encyclopedia of unusual and weird animals (4)
Anna Taut
Encyclopedia of unusual and weird animals (3)
Scott Marr
Encyclopedia of unusual and weird animals (3)
Scott Marr
Encyclopedia of unusual and weird animals (3)
Scott Marr
Encyclopedia of unusual and weird animals (3)
Scott Marr
Encyclopedia of unusual and weird animals (3)
Scott Marr
Encyclopedia of unusual and weird animals (3)
Scott Marr
Encyclopedia of unusual and weird animals (3)
Scott Marr
Encyclopedia of unusual and weird animals (3)
Scott Marr
Encyclopedia of unusual and weird animals (32)
Ruben Voka
Encyclopedia of unusual and weird animals (31)
Lady Orlando
Encyclopedia of unusual and weird animals (30)
Alessandro Sicioldr Bianchi
Encyclopedia of unusual and weird animals (29)
Seven Freeman
Encyclopedia of unusual and weird animals (28)
Olivier Bonhomme
Encyclopedia of unusual and weird animals (27)
Franck Chartron
Encyclopedia of unusual and weird animals (26)
Piet Rodriguez
Encyclopedia of unusual and weird animals (25)
Vincent de Trazegnies
Encyclopedia of unusual and weird animals (24)
Émilie Terlinden
Encyclopedia of unusual and weird animals (23)
Encyclopedia of unusual and weird animals (22)
Encyclopedia of unusual and weird animals (21)
Caroline Dahyot
Encyclopedia of unusual and weird animals (20)
Tamar Kasparian
Encyclopedia of unusual and weird animals (19)
Lady Orlando
Encyclopedia of unusual and weird animals (17)
Anne Gilsoul
Encyclopedia of unusual and weird animals (16)
Eric Demelis & Gaspard Pitiot
Encyclopedia of unusual and weird animals (15)
Ella Nitters
Encyclopedia of unusual and weird animals (14)
Dominique Lardeux
Encyclopedia of unusual and weird animals (13)
Pablo Jurado Ruiz
Encyclopedia of unusual and weird animals (12)
Olivier Bonhomme
Encyclopedia of unusual and weird animals (11)
Nadia Berz
Encyclopedia of unusual and weird animals (10)
Liliane Cock
Encyclopedia of unusual and weird animals (9)
Lady Orlando
Encyclopedia of unusual and weird animals (8)
Erik Svetoft
Encyclopedia of unusual and weird animals (7)
Encyclopedia of unusual and weird animals (6)
Encyclopedia of unusual and weird animals (5)
Tamar Kasparian
Encyclopedia of unusual and weird animals (4)
Anna Taut
Encyclopedia of unusual and weird animals (3)
Scott Marr
Encyclopedia of unusual and weird animals (2)
Piet Rodriguez
Encyclopedia of unusual and weird animals (1)
Alessandro Sicioldr Bianchi
Dossier Encyclopedia of Unusual and Weird Animals

Que se passe-t-il lorsque trente-six artistes décident de dévoiler les animaux qui vivent dans leurs mondes intérieurs ?